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Fanya Chini

Intervention Goals

  • Increase vegetation
  • Prevent erosion
  • Harvest water
  • Increase crop yields
  • Run-off reduction
intervention title

Fanya Chini

Similar names: Retention trenches, infiltration trenches

The name Fanya chini means “throw it downwards” in Kiswahili. It consists of trenches and earthen ridges facing downslope. This intervention aims to reduce soil erosion by breaking down long slopes into smaller sections. Thus, the speed of runoff will decrease, and water can infiltrate into the soil between the bunds. This will result in a reduction of nutrient leaching and increased water availability for crops. Fanya chini is common in areas with 300-600 mm of annual rainfall on 1-25% slopes. It is suitable for all types of relatively permeable soils (e.g. alluvial, red, laterite, brown, and shallow and medium black soil). Still, it doesn’t work very well with clayey soils or vertisols as these are not permeable.

One of the main benefits of Fanya chini is that it limits soil erosion from water runoff, and simultaneously improves water retention in the soil and increases water availability for crops. Furthermore, an increase in yield is observed, as well as improved soil fertility.