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Grazing Management

Intervention Goals

  • Increase vegetation
  • Improve soil health
  • Prevent erosion
  • Run-off reduction
intervention title

Grazing Management

Sustainable Grazing Management is about managing pasture and livestock in a way that prioritizes the long-term capability of a landscape. Its goal is to maintain healthy and productive pasturelands and provide economic benefits, and can be applied to range, pasture, and grasslands in all types of topographies and climates. The way grasslands are managed both directly and indirectly impacts the ecological health of the surrounding ecosystem, including the local water and mineral cycles as well as biological succession, in turn also creating socioeconomic effects for farmers and herders.

As opposed to more traditional and unsustainable practices such as extensive or continuous grazing where livestock graze on one large, open pastureland, there are several methods of more sustainable Grazing Management. Two examples of this are Rotational Grazing Management and Integrated crop-livestock grazing.