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Demi Lunes

Intervention Goals

  • Increase vegetation
  • Improves soil
  • Erosion prevention
  • Harvest water
  • Increase crop yield
  • Run-off reduction
intervention title

Demi Lunes

Similar names: semi-circular bunds, banquettes, boomerangs, water bunds, earth bunds, earthworks, micro basins, “half-moons”

The technique of creating Demi-lunes belongs to the overall category of water harvesting interventions and consists of half-moon-shaped basins dug in earth. The main goal of water harvesting, as the name suggests, is to collect water, and to make moisture available for vegetation for a longer time. This type of microcatchment water harvesting technique is suitable for slopes up to 15%, however bunds made of earth are seldom used in areas with slopes greater than 5% with a precipitation rate higher than 300 mm/y. At lesser slopes, Demi-lunes are also used in areas with higher rain falls.

Demi-lunes is a low cost intervention, where the time requirements of bund construction are very low as they can be implemented very fast, especially when the raw materials (plant residues) are available. The intervention also allows for the cultivation of plants and species that would not grow in previously dry conditions. Overall, the direct benefits of Demi-lunes can be realised in the short term and often after one year of implementation.

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