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Eyebrow Terraces

Intervention Goals

  • Increase vegetation
  • Improve soil health
  • Prevent erosion
  • Harvest water
  • Increase crop yields
  • Run-off reduction
intervention title

Eyebrow Terraces

Similar names: Banquettes, boomerangs, terraces, stone bunds, eyebrow systems, eyebrow basins.

Eyebrow terraces are a form of microcatchment water harvesting system. They are handmade micro basins, in the shape of an eyebrow, and are often made from soil and stones. Their main goal is to facilitate vegetation growth on steep slopes by collecting runoff water from a small catchment area and having it infiltrate the soil. This way, it is stored in the root zone and will be available for crops. They are usually situated on hillsides and can be used on up to 50% of slopes. The steeper the slope, the more the bunds have to be reinforced with stones. Eyebrow terraces work well in areas characterised by 200-600 mm of annual rainfall. Reinforcing eyebrow terraces with stones on steep slopes makes them more resistant to the increased water speed caused by the slope. Instead, they can be some metres apart. After completion, the pit uphill from the eyebrow may fill with sediments and soil, thereby giving rise to terraces.

Some of the main advantages of eyebrow terraces are that they reduce the risk of flooding, while simultaneously increasing the on-site conversion of water through the facilitation of filtration. Furthermore, the intervention improves the yields in the area, by increasing the soil organic content, as sediments are trapped in the terraces.