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Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration

Intervention Goals

  • Increase vegetation
  • Improve soil health
  • Prevent erosion
  • Increase crop yields
intervention title

Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration

Natural regeneration is a biological process that can be assisted and managed by farmers and landowners to increase the recovery of native ecosystems and their functions. Usually practised on wooded agricultural land, Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) is an approach that aims to increase the number of trees by protecting, managing and pruning existing tree and shrub stumps and roots to create the optimal conditions for them to flourish and germinate seeds again. 

An advantage of FMNR is the freedom that farmers have in implementing and adapting this technique to their specific landscape. Farmers can make decisions based on their knowledge and experience and choose which tree species they want to target, for example, fruit trees. Farmers can also select which species they want to save or remove during the pruning process, as well as when and what preferred tree density they want.