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Riparian Buffer Zones

Intervention Goals

  • Increase vegetation 
  • Improve soil 
  • Prevent erosion
  • Run-off reduction
intervention title

Riparian Buffer Zones

Similar names: Conservation buffers, Stream corridor bank enhancement, Riparian buffer strips and hedges, Terrestrial buffers, Riparian buffer systems

Riparian buffer zones are the interface between land and a river, stream or creek often characterised by riparian woodlands, forests and riparian strips. The plant habitats and natural communities along the river banks are better known as riparian vegetation and they are characterised by hydrophilic plants, bushy vegetation and forest systems. The presence of riparian buffer zones is crucial due to their role as natural biofilters and their protection of aquatic environments from excessive sedimentation, polluted surface runoff and erosion. Furthermore, they provide shelter, shade and food for many aquatic species.

Often the riparian zones are damaged by various anthropogenic activities such as agriculture, construction and silviculture. In this case, biological restoration can take place, with the most common practices being erosion control and revegetation. Furthermore, in some places riparian zones are fully lacking and reintroducing them could bring plenty of benefits to the local ecosystems. Because of the great biological function these systems have in supporting a diversity of species and landscapes, they are in some places subject to national protection mechanisms.

Initiating and restoring riparian buffers is crucial for the healthy functioning of riparian ecosystems. The vegetation around the banks of the river slows the flow of water which controls the power of the river and the destruction that could occur downstream. When near agricultural land, the riparian buffers filter various pollutants from agricultural runoffs, enhancing water quality via biofiltration. 

Disclaimer: Check whether Riparian Buffer Zones are subject to national protection in your area, as this could help with their protection and restoration.