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Water Spreading Bunds

Intervention Goals

  • Increase crop yields
  • Prevent erosion
intervention title

Water Spreading Bunds

Similar names: diversion embankments, diversion bunds, low lying crescent embankments, spate irrigation (general term).

Water spreading bunds is a technique in the category of floodwater farming (also called spate irrigation) which consists of the use of earthen bunds, usually applied where trapezoidal (regular) bunds are not suitable. Regular bunds may not be suited for area where runoff rates are high and they would be damaged, or where the crops may suffer from flooding.

The goal of the water spreading bunds is, as the name suggests, to spread water and not to confine it, like trapezoidal bunds do. They are intended to spread floodwater that has been either diverted from a watercourse or has reached the floodplain. The technique of water spreading bunds is very site-specific, as it can only be used on lands close to a watercourse, usually on alluvial fans or floodplains, and is characterized by almost flat slopes (up to 1%). Water spreading bunds are usually applied on even lands with deep and fertile soil, with a precipitation rate within 150-300 mm. Therefore, hyper-arid or arid areas where floodwater farming is often the only possibility to achieve fodder or crop production.